Saturday, December 29, 2018

Day 422 update

Today I looked at my blog for the first time in a long time.  When I created the blog, I was certainly struggling!  Wow!  I almost threw in the towel.  I made a change in April, however, that launched me into VIPKid success.  In April, near Easter, I opened up slots for the whole night.  Mind you, I'm in no way going to be a night-time teacher!  I do have a full-time teaching job.  I did think, though, that I needed some kind of break.  This did the trick.  For one or possibly two weekends, I opened up whatever I could on the weekend.  The slots started to fill, and if there were 3 consecutive booked slots, then I shut down the ones around them so I could get a nap.  After this time, I have steadily grown in my bookings and now only work the hours I want to.  I have several precious regulars and am about 150 classes away from hitting 1,000 classes.  This job has been quite a blessing to us.  I am comfortably paying my daughter's college tuition along with having a little extra to spend, and we just had a very nice Christmas courtesy of VIPKid. 

If you are interested in becoming a VIPKid teacher like me, I would be more than happy to help you with that process!  Please visit the following link to get that process started: Teacher Cecelia's referral link

Sunday, March 18, 2018

I'm an expert at being new

My heading is meant to be somewhat ironic.  Today is my 135th day with VIPKid.  To say that things have started out slow would be an understatement.  I had a fairly good beginning, and then Chinese New Year started.  Anyone who did not have established students would have felt like they had won the lottery if they had booked some students.  So, in my 135 days, I have taught only 23 classes.

During this time, I have been an active member of the "VIPKID Newbie Support" group on Facebook.  I have read EVERYTHING on that board, and I know the VIPKid site pretty well, too.  I see new teachers coming in and asking the same questions, and I feel for them that they don't have a quick place to get their questions answered.  So I decided to make this blog.  Hopefully it'll help someone, and it will definitely help me as I seek to become more involved in VIPKid!

Saturday, March 17, 2018

My Second Page: Frequently Asked Questions

As a person who's been on a Facebook page for newbies for about 5 months, there are certain questions that are asked nearly every single day.  I will try to compile those questions here.

My Very First Page: Acronyms

For my very first post on my very new blog, see my very new Page....the newbie guide to Acronyms!


Day 422 update

Today I looked at my blog for the first time in a long time.  When I created the blog, I was certainly struggling!  Wow!  I almost threw in ...